Treating Pain & Inflammation with LED Light Therapy, NOT NSAIDs

Red light therapy alleviates chronic inflammation by increasing blood flow to the damaged tissues

Oxygen and Pressure Epigenetics: Understanding Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy the Oldest Gene Therapy Known to Man

Came across this great article on HBOT Therapy, has This article was published in the Townsend Letter by Paul G. Harch MD , to see the full preview click here. The Townsend Letter, commonly known as the Examiner of Alternative Medicine, has been presenting scientific information since 1983 on a wide variety of medical therapies including HyperbaricContinue reading “Oxygen and Pressure Epigenetics: Understanding Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy the Oldest Gene Therapy Known to Man”

My Aching Back….Practice What I Preach

Good morning! It’s Thursday, the day after Christmas and first thing I noticed was a decrease in low back stiffness this AM. Actually I noticed it over the last 2 days that my usual pain from getting out of a seated position has gone from a 5/10 to maybe a 2/10. Starting the day withContinue reading “My Aching Back….Practice What I Preach”

Probiotics for Athletic Performance

The evidence is clear — probiotics are key to improved athletic performance, recovery and overall health

Inversion Tables for Low Back Pain, Do They Work? Yes……BUT

I will take stiff any day over low back pain with sciatica.

Photobiomodulation for Cycling and Running Performance Enhancement

So you want to ride and run faster! Let’s shed some “Light on It!”

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