Chill with the Brick Workouts…For Now

Good morning!! It’s Monday 3/16/2020 and I’m finishing up this blog then I’ll be heading into my basement to workout. I had the privilege of being certified yesterday as a macebell certified coach and I’m feeling a bit sore in my adductors and glutes so I plan on taking it easier with this morning workout.Continue reading “Chill with the Brick Workouts…For Now”

Global Pandemic! What I’m Doing…Probiotics & Oxygen

Unless you have been living under a rock, the Coronavirus has everyone’s attention. “Current global circumstances suggest it’s likely this virus will cause a pandemic,” Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director of the CDC, said. “It’s not so much a question of if this will happen any more, but rather more a question of when thisContinue reading “Global Pandemic! What I’m Doing…Probiotics & Oxygen”

Probiotics for Athletic Performance

The evidence is clear — probiotics are key to improved athletic performance, recovery and overall health

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